3rd IUI


Third <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> cycle has begun 😬 First cycle I did Femara & final F.. The clinic I went to was horrible! First I get expired gonal F, then when I go in for a follow up between the doctors and nurses nobody knows the dosage they gave me. Thank God I had taken a photo of the vial because I wanted proof it was expired. Long story short it didn’t work. Went back to my old RE only reason I switched was to find somewhere closer to home but clearly that doesn’t work.

2nd <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a> everything went what felt great outside of no BFP.

Starting our 3rd on clomid again, debating if this doesn’t work if I’ll give it a break or not. We are getting married on 10.15.20, so if we don’t get pregnant this cycle and we take next cycle off the next time I’ll be fertile will actually be our wedding night! Praying this just works but kinda losing faith lately.