Helping SIL


Hey ladies. My SIL is due soon with #3. They live in NY by her family, and we all live in MN. I’m trying to find ways to help them out with a new baby coming. We all farm so fall is a crazy time with harvest. And add in Covid, I don’t know if or when my FIL and MIL would be able to visit. I’ve talked to my other SILs and we’re trying to brainstorm. They’re in rural NY by Buffalo so not really sure if anything can be delivered to them food wise. She has a few siblings but they all have a lot of kids so not really able to help much. We’re leaning towards contacting her mom or best friend who’s in the area and sending them money to make a bunch of meals for us. And sending the other kids (4&2) some new toys to keep them busy. Any other ideas?