Rude triage nurse during my labor

I gave birth to my baby on August 19, due September 3rd. I had an induction on the 27th but my baby girl surprised us!

Anyway, I labored are home with a constant back ache from that started at 10pm and went to sleep at midnight. Woke at 3 am to contractions 3 minutes apart, woke my husband right away to leave to hospital...

We got there at 4 am and I’m trying to stay calm even though I want to scream. The contractions were so strong at this point. After we checked in we saw this nurse 10 minutes later ...I wanted to cry but I tried to relax.

The nurse right away didn’t greet herself, just said “fix your gown and lay back. What’s going on?”

I tell her I know I am in labor, she goes “hmm, okay how come?”

I said I’m having contractions (she clearly sees me struggling)....”how far apart?”

Me, “3-5 minutes I guess”

“How bad is your pain on a scale of 1-10”


This is what made me and husband livid:

“Wow, really??? Are you sure a 10? Like, 10 as in your having surgery with no AnEsThEsiA pain? Ok, we’ll see about that.”

What kind of bedside manner is that? So she checks my cervix and says... “oh you are 7 cm and 100% effaced. Let me

let the dr know and get your room ready......we just have so many moms

coming in tonight in labor and for the smallest things. I told a patient that was a first time mom that waited until she was 10 cm to be admitted to never tell that story, because people will beat her up..” (idk why she decide to disclose this with me but she did) it’s like she knew she was being a bitch so she had to justify herself and I didn’t even ask or confront her as to why she was being a bitch...she knew she fucked up.

I finally at 4:30am thankfully I’m in the room with another nurse. I got the epidural at 5 am then at 7:45 am Dr broke my water at 8 cm. Had my baby at 8:38 am with only 7 pushes!!

The fact that there are healthcare workers like this. Not believing patients symptoms of down playing them when they are needing help. Questioning my pain like wth! I was so calm and trying to keep my composure while having my contractions. She came in with such an attitude. If this is you, please find another career! Kudos to the ones that have sympathy for their patients.

I’m just happy I had a healthy baby in the end 🤗