What to do

Nicole 💕 • Jesus is Lord !🙏🏽

Heyy, okay so back story I stay in missouri , with my husband and i have medications i take or need to take but i cant get them because my family refuses to send them , my question is For Those of You who are believers & those of You who arent . would it be bad to go back home and get my meds and maybe go to the doctor (if i can go to the doctor) ( i dont know if i have medicaid anymore) but anyways i havent been feeling well . I get anxious most of the time idk why. But i do and then i have pains , chest pains/tightness & then my stomach hurts . My husband thinks if i leave .. Im letting the enemy win Because Im abandoning the marriage atleast i think thats what he thinks .. I just dont feel that way first and for most God is Always winning, Im doing this for Health Reasons . I have heart problems . I was born on a heart machine , i just want to get checked out is all. Should i listen to my husband or should i go get my Prescriptions ?