Facebook invites

Is it to informal or inappropriate to do a Facebook group invite to the baby shower? I'm inviting about 60 or so people so it might be a rather pain to send out invitations!!
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I'm doing snail mail invites.. I feel like it's more appropriate for my guests


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I think if a lot of people on your guest list are younger and/or fb savvy then that's totally fine! 


Ali • Nov 17, 2015
Oh perfect! I think that's fine, you could even put something on the fb event that's like "we're going green and doing e-vites!" To make it a little less cheesy lol


Scarlett • Nov 17, 2015
We will be sending out invites to those not on Facebook!!


Posted at
I rather receive an invite in the snail mail! But I'm 32 and old school like that :P


Br • Nov 17, 2015
The person hosting the baby showed should be the one buying and sending out the invitations anyway


Scarlett • Nov 17, 2015
I am old school as well but I'm also having a wedding next year so it's hard to put money into 60 invites when I'm already doing it!!


Posted at
That's what I do. The only time I didn't do invited on Facebook was for my wedding. I hate buying invitations. So Facebook is easy cause everyone has one but my grandparents


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If you want to make it a little mor formal, but still save money, e-vites are a great option. Look into paperlesspost.com and evite.com. Note this really only works if your guests are tech savvy and check their emails. Otherwise, just stick with some simple invitations from target or something. 


Posted at
I probably plan on doing fb invites for the majority of my guests. Then I'll call or send something to those who aren't on social media. That's how we did our gender reveal party, it worked well.