My husbands past

Alright girls. I need yalls opinion. So, during a fight, my husband said hes done something in his past thats bad and that maybe one day hell tell me. Its not something criminal or something he thinks id leave him over. He says it was before he knew me. I think he mightve just said that to have something to say but im not sure. He says hes not comfortable saying it yet so I haven t said anything else. But, if its something that bad, do I have the right to know so I can be the one to determine whether or not id leave him over it or not? Or is it really none of my business like he says? I don't need to be trashed I just really need some advice from a non bias pov. Thank yall.

It wouldnt hurt to hear some mens pov on this ladies if you have a husband or boyfriend you can ask what they think, id appreciate it.

×××××Thank yall for the responses. The goldfish comment made me laugh so thank you!! And yeah its kinda weird that he would bring it up just to say he cant tell me. Thats why I think he just said it just to have something to say because if its not criminal and its not something so bad id leave him over, then why wouldnt he just tell me? I mean hes never said anything like im not comfortable.... He knows the things id leave him over even if it was in the past and its not criminal so??? How bad could it really be. This came up at the part of the argument where I was talking about how I trusted him enough to tell him that I felt like a kid because someome mentioned my sexual abusers name and about his life and wife amd ive had nightmares about shit he did years ago and i feel like a kid because what kind of adult has nightmares about stuff that happened years ago and he said he thought I just needed to not let it get to me and i think its becausee hes supressed whats happened to him when he was younger with an older woman. then we started arguing about shit hes done and put me through and then I said he acted like a saint then thats when he said he knew he wasnt and brought that up. Hes said things in fights before that would make you feel like eating a gun yall. And hes said things kinda like that and then later said he was just saying it cause he was mad. Which, I do push him a lot when we fight because I yell amd scream and fight and he fights back and says some pretty fucked up shit and he admits that. But its like well fight for hours, then well fuck and everything is fine but he keeps saying he feels like a sorry piece of shit for things hes said and done to me.