Reflux in babies

I am certain my son has reflux. He is 3 weeks and for the past 2 weeks he has been arching his back allll the time, especially after eating and when I lay him down to sleep. Last week he kept gagging on some sticky mucus-y substance while he was eating which I would have to suction from his mouth. He stops and cries and winces like he's in pain while eating and he also wakes up numerous times from his naps and at night grunting and making noises like he's in pain and arching his back. He always sounds like he has mucus in his mouth/throat though I haven't been able to suction anything from his nose. He is mostly breastfed but I have been supplementing since he was born b/c he was very jaundiced. I have elevated his bassinet, I feed him less and more often, and I always sit him up for awhile after eating. I've spoken with his pediatrician and she didn't seem too concerned but I hate to see him so uncomfortable. I hear this is any other mothers deal with this with your babies? At what point does the dr actually do something???