Sad I can’t breastfeed 😔

My daughter is going to be 4 months old next month . I loved breastfeeding, but my milk supply is keeps going down. My daughter was born with a tongue tie so I wasn’t able to breastfeed her until she got her tongue tie removed at 2 weeks old (i used to pump in the meantime.) i was never able to no more than 1 oz (each boob) . I would breast feed her then give her formula to finish feeding her. I saw a lactation consultant, got my thyroid & insulin checked, tried lactation cookies, drink so much water, do extra pumping sessions and always ofter my boob first. But i could never pump no more than 1 oz . In the last 2 weeks my milk supply just been decreasing . I now pump 5-10 ml (each boob) . I feel so disappointed in myself 😢 . I guess i was just not made to produce a lot of breastmilk