Has anyone had a colicky baby? Or acid reflux baby?


So I’m struggling and my baby’s struggling and I really need some input or advice from anyone who’s had this experience. I don’t know if my baby has colic, acid reflux, allergies or hell all three. I took him to the doctor and she basically said “let’s wait 2 or 3 weeks and see what happens.” Like that’s gonna help me or my obviously struggling baby. So I’ll list all his symptoms and everything and maybe someone can try helping me figure this out? Please? Oh please keep in mind he is 3 weeks and 1 day old. My labour was 5 hours, I was induced using oxytocin. I had no drugs. I pushed him out in 3 pushes, he did have shoulder dystocia (his shoulder got stuck but they were able to get him out) he was 9.2 pounds. The next day he was 8.8 pounds. He is now 10.4 pounds as of a couple days ago so he’s gaining weight very very well.

1. For the past week or longer he’s been crying for a few hours every night. It kind of had a pattern of he’d wake up around 7 and be happy and calm. Around 8 he’d start to get fussy and the longer time went on the more upset he’d get until it was crying we couldn’t calm at all. We’d finally be able to get him down around 11-12 and he’d sleep 4-5 hour stretches perfectly fine. This lasted a couple days but it has seemed to change a bit. So he still wakes around 7-9 and he’ll be super fussy. He’ll cry a lot but the thing is we can get him to calm down now for short periods of time and he’s almost asleep or he falls asleep and then bam, he’s up crying and the cycle repeats until he’s finally asleep for the night. So this is why I’m having a hard time thinking it’s colic because he can be calmed down for 30 mins max at a time and he is about to sleep or just falls asleep but then wakes suddenly.

2. He poops a lot. I’ve noticed the past few days it’s becoming less and bigger poops. But he has like 10 smallish squirts and then maybe 5 bigger poops a day.

3. He grunts a lot like he’s trying to poop.

4. His poop has had mucus in it all day today which is why I think allergy because my daughter had this and has a milk allergy. I’ve already cut out all dairy as of today.

5. He loves laying with his head dangling??? I don’t know why but he seems to love that.

6. He spits up almost once a day. But I do have an over supply and forceful letdown so that could be why.

7. He has lots of wet burps.

8. He randomly chokes on nothing a couple times a day.

9. He loves laying on his back to sleep so I’m not sure he has acid reflux as I feel he’d hate being on his back. He loves being on his back.

10. To soothe himself he tries breastfeeding but gets so frustrated by the flow he just keeps grunting and pulling off.

11. I got some probiotic colic gas drops a few days ago but can’t notice much difference yet I don’t think

12. We’ve tried gripe water as well and it worked perfect once in the day but wouldn’t work at night.

13. Once I get him to sleep, he sleeps on his back for about 5 hours, then wakes and falls asleep for another 2-3 hours.

14. He’s been getting super fussy and crying and inconsolable in the morning as well the past couple day’s now. Just like at night he cries when he wakes up for the day and can’t really be consoled. He eventually falls asleep after a bit.

15. He does seem to feel better after a big poop. The bathes help calm him so much and usually walks calm him but they don’t sometimes. I bought an expensive white noise machine but I honestly don’t think he cares at all for it. Walking around the house holding him also calms him but once we put him down hes up.

I’m just so lost right now. I feel so useless and guilty. I literally can’t do anything for him, I’ve tried everything and it works for a bit but then he’s crying again. I’ve even tried skin to skin. I seriously need help. Seeing him struggle is so hard and even frustrating eventually. What can I do? What’s wrong with him?? Or what’s wrong with me? I can’t tell if he’s in pain as all his cries are literally the same. My daughter was such an easy baby and never cried so I’m at a loss. Sorry this is so long I just want to add all i can in hopes someone can help.