I think I’m going to be a surrogate

Kay • William 👼🏻 Jessica🩷 Pip👼🏼 Barney 🩵

So my brother has never wanted to have kids of his own and neither has his boyfriend but since I had my first baby on the 31st of May and it’s made them realise they wants baby. We spoke about how they would do it...egg donation, surrogacy, adoption and all that just after I had my daughter. Ever since, every time they come round, I find myself staring at them when they hold her and it makes me so emotional to think that they might not be able to do it.

I spoke to my partner last night and told him that I was thinking of being a surrogate for them but use someone else’s egg. We all spoke about it last night and it looks like we will be starting the process in 2-3 years.

I’m really excited and also terrified!!!

Has anyone done this??