Is it wrong for me to keep my son from my in laws?

My in laws don’t like me. They never really have since my husband and I were dating. They didn’t even want to meet me at first. When I asked my husband why he said it was because his mom didn’t think any girl was good enough for her son.. 😐

After many months of my husband begging them to meet me, they finally did. The first thing his mom said to me was “why are you wearing so much makeup?” They were just very rude to me, always made me cry and tried to force their religion on me every time I went over there.

We got married (they didn’t come to our wedding) we had a baby (they didn’t come to our baby shower or the hospital when our son was born. Didn’t even say congrats) and we moved to another state because my husband is military and that’s were he got stationed.

My husbands mom would talk to my husband on FaceTime the first year we moved here but my husband always had to call her first. One day They (both his parents) randomly changed their phone numbers and didn’t tell my husband. They didn’t talk to him or care to see their grandson over FaceTime for months. Then my husband messaged them on Facebook and asked for their new numbers. Again he always had to call first. He asked them to come visit us to see their grandson and they still haven’t and it’s been 2 years. They won’t come visit even though his dad works from home and his mom doesn’t work. They have the money. They just don’t want to.

A couple months ago my husband and I got into a huge argument because I caught my husband in a lie and he shit talked about me to his parents and they told him he should just divorce me. That all blew over and we were fine. But a few days ago he finally asked them why they don’t call him first or care to visit and they said it was because of me. They also told my husband that they plan on changing their numbers and moving away and not telling my husband where they are moving to or giving him their new numbers.

They make my blood boil and I refuse to let them be apart of my sons life. My son doesn’t even know who they are. They treat my husband like crap and act like they don’t care about him or my son. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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