

Im supposed to be 6 weeks or so. Started bleeding yesterday (not a lot). Went to ER and had an ultrasound and blood test done. They told me that my HCG is low and that I am measuring small. The scan shows 5 weeks & 5 days. I continue to have some bleeding, still not a lot, but Im assuming that its not looking good. Since yesterday, I started having low back pain as well. Its like the same back pain I get when I have my period. The ER doctor told me there is nothing they can do for me and that he will set up another appt next week to get an updated ultrasound and blood test to see if things changed.

Im just so shocked since I had a completely smooth pregnancy with my first. Im super scared about this whole process and dont know what I should expect.

Just looking for support or for others who have gone through the same 😞