OPK Testing and Glow prediction fluctuations


Hi all - I have been testing premate OPK strips for the last few months. I’ve never really gotten a super dark line but I’m starting to think that my ovulation day(s) are just a little lighter lines than others’ results/as the instructions show.

What I find frustrating is that this app auto accepts pictures and then decides whether to count it as positive or negative, which is OK (and I know I can manually update) but it then moves the expected ovulation date.

Has anyone else experienced this and do you have any tips/tricks to help improve the accuracy?

It would appear that my ovulation days are between CD 10-13...but if anyone has tips or insights based on their own experiences, I’m all ears!

This is my first time TTC, I’m 38 and just trying to learn all the tips and tricks before going totally insane 🤪. I have an appointment with my OBGYN in Sept because my husband and I have been trying since Feb (not super seriously but serious enough) and I want to make sure I’m aware of any issues as early as possible.

Thanks in advance! ♥️