9weeks and my breasts feel normal.?? Is that normal

Hey future moms to be
​I'm 20 years old baby#1
​I'm 9 weeks,to be honest since week 8 I don't have my sore breasts anymore.
I didn't  have morning sickness on first place,just my breasts and go to the WC every 15min.... Now I feel normal 
​"ish" apart that I'm sleepy most of the day and around 6pm I'm sleeping.
​I go college 3dats a week 9:30 till 3pm, so I dont get much of the physical to be tired so quick. 
​I do have those random cramping (feels like something in me is moving).
​Any one else like this?
​My partner told me that's normal(not to feel in pain all the time)