Worried about period when ttc baby#2

Lexie • 1 month ttc baby #3

I have a 8 month old and breast fed her since she was 2 to 4 months and then I got a period on may 24 and 25 and only lasted those 2 days then no period in June then I had a period July 5th-9th and now it’s almost the end of august and still haven’t got my period and I took a pregnancy test and it’s a negative. I don’t know what’s going on . I been stressing alittle lately been tired sometimes I get cramps and been feeling bloated but no period . What could he happening . I read online that if I breastfeed and then stop or just in general after giving birth that your period is irregular for awhile because the hormones but yeah I need some answers what could be going on. I am trying to get pregnant again and alittle stressed about that but I’m at the point I’m saying it will Happen when it happens . But I’m just worried about my period I was irregular before and don’t want that to happen again I’m trying to stay away from birthday control. I also been noticing watery gowy white milky stuff down there