Pregnancy after loss


Hello everyone,

My daughter passed away 2 weeks ago due to suspected CPAM (awaiting autopsy) at 32 weeks. I was 26 weeks when I was told something was wrong and she wouldn’t survive, but I kept on holding on in hopes she would improve (they had told me to induce as there was no hope). I had polyhydramnios, my liver started to fail and my placenta was huge as my gorgeous girl was hydropic, causing my placenta to be. My waters broke due to my uterine membrane peeling away and I was given an emergency c-section. She was my first and I’m absolutely devastated. All I’ve ever wanted was to become a mother and I feel like my chance has been taken away. They also found quite a few cysts on both ovaries, which they drained and removed while preforming the surgery. I feel like this has just taken my chances of ever conceiving again. My question is, has anyone ever had a loss and gone in to have a rainbow? I’m not looking to try while grieving, but I would Like some hope to hold onto. Thanks everyone