Ramzi? I have to wait another week to see a heartbeat


This is my Vaginal US takem at 6weeks where they found i had a haematoma. I'm now 8weeks today, i had a US booked for last week but on the day i got so worked up my temp shot up so they couldnt scan me due to covid restrictions. They gave me 2weeks of progesterone and after a negative covid test im rescheduled in for next week (9weeks) and hoping to see a healthy baby and heartbeat as baby was too small to see heartbeat at this stage. Apart from the haematoma they say everything looks fine for 6wks. Any guesses on Ramzi? The two weeks are dragging (only 1 more to go) and i feel so anxious so id love to take my mind off the anxiety and think positively and see can anyone guess the sex. This is my rainbow baby so i dont mind at all either way🙏🏻 Baby came from my left ovary