Pls help ❤️

(This is gonna be a long one but I’d appreciate the read I have to give more details so u know where I’m coming from)

So there was this boy I used to have a thing with.. he had his heart broke before we started talking and I knew the girl he was with who was a total bitch so I comforted him and we became friends and it lead to us having feelings for eachother.

We would always FaceTime, text almost every day & I’d always be the person he’d call when he was drunk. Even when he was on holiday calling me drunk at 3am, I think because he was insecure and had a bad heartbreak he was very scared to be open with me fully he had a wall up and although he’d show me he was interested he always played it cool so he’d call me and act like he didn’t mean to but then stay on the phone for hours.. things like that. He even commented on one of my photos by accident when he was stalking me (obviously) and then said “his phone was in his pocket🙄😂” He was always the same sometimes he’d be all over me and basically confessing his love and then during the days where he was at work he’d always message me first but then when I reply he would be so blunt with me, then he’d get home and FaceTime me and be all loved up again, he was giving me major mixed signals I never knew where I stood with him. He even sent me flowers when I was sad and bought me £100 worth of kylie Jenner lipstick. He lives about an hour 1/2 drive from me so we only ever met up 2 times. We ended up sleeping with eachother after 2 years of this going on and off so I was quite attached & he stayed at mine then left the next day and he text me saying it’s a shame I live so far and that he wants a cuddle and all this crap... he told me a few days later that he was depressed and had been for ages, I was always there for him I knew he was very emotional and suffered a lot alone not much was said after this.. eventually the conversations stopped so I told him I was hurt and felt like he’d used me for sex, he got so rude to me and threatened to delete me so I just snapped and deleted him first, I was heartbroken. And extremely confused. Fast forward like 6 months and he added me back on snapchat so I accepted him and he never said anything but after a few months of having me back on there he would reply to my stories to start a conversation and I just didn’t understand, I felt like he wanted to talk to me but didn’t know how. He did this a few times he even sent me a picture of his new dog just to start a conversation, then said he would talk tomorrow because he hasn’t slept and yet again I didn’t hear from him... I was so fucked off with all this back and forth so I just removed him on everything and it’s been around 7 months later and he’s only just realised I removed him from following me and he followed me on Instagram at like 2am a couple weeks ago. I’m so done with this I just want to know what’s happening? Why does he keep trying to stay in some sort of contact he always has to be somewhere in the shadows, like I can’t just move on and forget him and I don’t want to, we really did have a connection but I don’t know does he genuinely have feelings but is scared or is he doing it for an ego boost i dont know anymore.. any advice helps Thanku so much if you read this all 😫x