I need a break!

Venting for a minute .... when my son was around 3ish months old (he’s now 12m) I started to have PPD symptoms My husband was working a lot and going to the gym after work and I wasn’t asking for help and I was hiding the depression. just before thanksgiving I had my follow up worh my OB and broke down. Then j came home and told my husband I needed help. He started coming right home after work to help with the kids and dinner. And I started a day hospital program.

Anyway flash forward my sons a year old and my husband has a new job and he travels a lot during the week he’s home kinda on the weekends and when he’s home he usually does side work. I’m at SAHM because i lost my job and he’s working hard to cover the missing income.

Well my depression/anxiety are in check I’m just feeling overwhelmed and need a break. But my husband doesn’t get bc he’s working all the time and when I ask family for help with watching the kids no one is ever able to. I just want someone to say hey I’ll take the kids go get a coffee, take a nap go shopping alone. That’s all I just needed to vent