Pregnancy symptoms...

So with my first pregnancy, we pretty much sneezed and got pregnant. Trying for the second child has been a lot harder. For starters I wasn't ovulating. Recently went on clomid, turned me into a nightmare. Called the doctor, read that most take it at night but did Ovulate! Had sex on alternating days, was still positive for ovulation four days later. Started craving dairy... Am lactose intolerant however with my first pregnancy I lived on true moo and ribs. Wanted to eat all kinds of crazy foods and combinations. Then tenderness started along my c section scar and boobs. Finally exhaustion set in was ready for bed way before my normal bedtime. I would have bet big money we were pregnant. Today, however I woke up with strong bleeding and waves of pain (like cramps) still can eat dairy so what happened??? I am at a total loss feeling very defeated. Would love any advice. Thanks