Sore C-Section Scar and Bicornuate Uterus


Hey mommas!

First time mom here trying to figure out a boat load of stuff concerning my own health!! I ending up going into early labor on June 3rd

at 35 weeks and had quite a bit of bleeding so they decided I would be having the baby that day. Did an ultrasound to see what was going on in there and saw I had extremely low fluid but my water hadn’t broke. Not long after that I’m on the table for a csection. Needless to say I was freaked out since my original birth plan was to be all natural with the midwives🙃 Our little one ended up not breathing for two and a half minutes (felt like a life time) and I didn’t get to see him as they rushed him off to the NICU with dad trailing behind. As they were putting me back together my doctor asked if anyone had ever told me I had a Bicornuate Uterus to which I told him I had no idea what he just said😂 Apparently I have a heart shaped uterus and no one had seen it until that opened me up. The doctor said he was surprised my baby was as big as he was, that I was pregnant as long as I was and he wasn’t breach. I was totally freaked out. We ended up staying 10 days in the hospital with our little man but he is doing amazing now!!

My question is has anyone had any experience with the Bicornuate Uterus? My follow up appointment after my MRI isn’t for another month (thanks COVID). Also my c-section scar has healed but sometimes it still hurts, almost like a burning feeling. Is that normal? Thanks mommas!!❣️