What is this rash?

So my lo has had this rash on her belly and back for a couple months now, ever since she has her 12 month shots. she also has a little rash on her face. I was thinking it had to do with the measles vaccine, but it’s been two months! It’s hard to see in the picture, but she has these little red and rough dots all over her back and belly. Then the rash on her face.

They aren’t oozing and don’t seem to be bothering her nor does she have any other symptoms (no fever). The only thing that has changed in her diet is that she fully switched to cows milk, but like I said nothing seems to be bother her so I don’t know? We also haven’t changed any of her soaps, lotion, or laundry detergent.

What could this be?!?! She has another check up in a month so I figured I would just ask then, but I don’t know if I should go sooner. What do you think?