Feeling like a failure and she isn't even here yet

Hey mamma's, anyone else feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all. I'm already in tears and I haven't even had the hormonal dip after birth! I'm 38 weeks and baby is breech. Moved from a water birth, all-natural birth plan to needing a caesarean. Feel like my body has failed me. Tried to have an ECV to turn her, so painful, and she turned twice but flipped right back within 10 seconds both times. I'm so dispondant now. C-section booked for 2nd of September, complete opposite to my intended birth plan. Tried collecting colostrum for the last 4 days, and I can't get even a drop. Watched so many videos, have used heat packs, done it after the shower, leaned forward, and nothing. Yet another failure and I'm stressed because others have said their colostrum flowed from 20 weeks! What is wrong with me and why can't I do this! Nervous about everything as this is before the baby and now I feel like I am failing her before she is even here. Any advice or similar experiences?! Anything would give me comfort right now, I just can't stop crying!