Twin Girl Names

I think we have finally decided on names for our twin girls. 👯‍♀️ I just want to make sure I get as many ideas possible.

We are wanting to name Baby A Brantlee Aileen. Aileen was my grandmas middle name but I would like other ideas on girly middle names that flow well. What are your thoughts? What would you do for a middle name??

Brantlee ________ Sunday

For baby B’s name we are thinking Bradie but that’s not set in stone yet. If we do choose Bradie how would you spell it (Bradhie, Braydee, Bradie, Bradee, Brady) I know I want it to be unique and end in the ‘ee, ie’ sound like Brantlee. I would like her middle name to be James after my husband since these will most likely be our only children . Examples: Bradhie James, McKinlee James. Still looking for ideas before we 💯% commit to Bradie. Prefer unisex names.

__________ James Sunday