Clomid day 1!

Megan • Married to my best friend 💍, mama to 🐶🐶🐶🐱👼👼👼

This will technically be my 4th round of clomid. My first round at 50 mg, nothing happened. No ovulation, no pregnancy. 2nd month at 50 mg I ovulated but no pregnancy. 3rd month at 150 mg, I ovulated and got pregnant! Unfortunately it was an ectopic pregnancy and our 3rd loss. But we are so excited to try again! Weve spent the last month finalizing our paperwork for our fostering/adoption license but are still so ready to have a biological child. God, please watch over my husband and I as we continue our fertility journey. May our angel babies watch over any future pregnancy so that it will be healthy and full term. In your name I pray, Amen!

Any other ladies getting ready to start their 1st round of clomid? I could use a buddy!