I AM BROKEN πŸ˜’πŸ˜­πŸ’”


I have two beautiful children, girl 3 yo and a boy 22 mo. I always wanted to have a big family and to have at least 3 kids. My husband and I were trying to conceive for the past 4 months, ever since I got off birth control.

For the past two months I have realized that there is no LH surge in my cycles. I messaged my OB about it and sent her screenshots of the app that I track my ovulation with. She looked at it and asked me when was first day of my periods. After I replied yo her this was her responce. "Since your cycles are not predictable (every 28-30 days), the LH surges are not reliable (and I would not rely on natural family planning for contraception). I suspect that you are having anovulatory cycles with irregular LH surges." All my dreams of having a big family have crashed as I read her message. Why? How? Why us? We love our kids and each other. Why did God decide to close my womb? I feel as if someone put a curse on me.