Dis I have a surge?


So I have polycystic ovarian syndrome. PCOS for short. We have been trying to conceive and recently talked to the gyno about fertility aids because it didn't seem i was getting a period or ovulating. BUT THEN, in July I had about 4 days of VERY light spotting. I didn't have to wear a tampon or pad and it didn't show up in my undies either. Only when I wiped. We thought it may have been caused by a bad yeast infection. But then came AUGUST and there it was again and this time no infection was present. This time there was one day where I wore a tampon (just to see) and it filled it but after that was very spotty and again lasted 3-4 days. This was the 8th through the 10th/11th. We had been camping that whole week and weren't coming back until the 16th. I didn't have any test strips with or anything and I had assumed that I probably wouldn't ovulate that early. The day we got home I tested immediately and that is the first photo on 8/17. The photos after you can see the lines are gradually disappearing to the point where they are almost non existent. Is it possible to ovulate THAT SOON after a period? And if so does it look like I may have surged the day before the first test? Please HELP!

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