Thin lining

Hi all!

So I had my first transfer (frozen) about two weeks ago. The transfer had to be pushed back a week because the lining was thin (around 5.5). The doctor added vaginal estrace every night in addition to taking three oral pills every day.

At my next checkup, the nurse didn’t think the lining had changed (measured around 5.5 again) but my doctor came in and remeasured multiple times. Her measurements varied from 5.5 to 8.5. She said she felt good going forward with the transfer, so we did.

Well, it worked (yay!!). My HCG levels have all come back great. However, I’m starting to get nervous that this thin lining will result in a miscarriage. Google has not been my friend when trying to do research. I’m trying to trust in my doctor’s opinion but I’m just really scared. Does anyone have any success stories from a thin lining? Thanks in advance!