Ligament pain and achyness


So I'll be 17 weeks tomorrow and for like the last week the ligament on the right side of my stomach has been starting to hurt more often and its causing achyness in my whole lower abdomin. What can I do to help with the pain and achyness? Also is it normal to feel the pain from my pelvis (on my right side) to like the middle (right middle side) of your stomach? Sorry if that doesn't really make sense, it's hard to explain.
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Posted at
Im having the same thing, im only 16 weeks and pain got strong enough to make me wonder if it was my appendix 😂 its wasnt of course. Hope it goes away soon. 


Michelle • Nov 18, 2015
It really is. Only consolation is baby must be growing properly.


Ju • Nov 18, 2015
its very unpleasant


Posted at
Woke up and where my uterus is, is so sore. This part of pregnancy is not fun!


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Im having same problem, also its more swollen then the left side has me very worried. Im seeing the dr Monday.


Posted at
I'm 15 weeks 3 days and I've been also getting ligament pains only on my right side. Taking a hot shower and laying down helps me. I still get very nervous every time it happens though. 


Posted at
I had the exact same problems! I have no tips sorry :( but it definitely got better around 20-22 weeks!! Now I only feel it if I lift heavy or stretch funny.


Ju • Nov 18, 2015
I hope it does because it can cause some terrible pain