1 year ago today ...


I was in pain, exhausted, being injected with steroids, getting iv meds to stop labor that made me sick and weren’t working, bleeding, baby was having cord decels ...and still ended up getting sent home 😫 Thinking about that day still makes me angry. If they had given me magnesium that day (they decided not to after some debate) he might not have cerebral palsy. If they had delivered him that day, his knotted cord might not have pulled tight enough to cut off his blood supply. I wouldn’t have sat at home the entire next day worrying about the contractions, his lack of movement, and feeling like I must be overreacting because that’s what the doctors acted like...only to be rushed back to the hospital in an emergency with an abrupted placenta.

Thank god he’s as healthy as he is though!!

I got to see his beautiful teeny face though !

I can’t believe my little man turns 1 tomorrow!