Home pre school

With COVID we decided not to send our 3 year old to pre school this year. We got a lot of hate from our family! They said she’d be behind. She wouldn’t be able to catch up if she starts next year. She needs to be around other kids her age. She’s not going to know how to socialize next year... blah blah blah...

We have friends that have kids her and she knows things they don’t... my kid is smart. She knows all her colors and shapes even the hexagon and all the gons. She can count to 39 for some reason she can’t remember 40 she just says 39 10 lol. She can read basic words. Like 3-4 letter words. There’s a million other things she can do but I don’t want this post to be a mile long.

So I went to the store and got some preschool books so do some at home pre school so she not behind. We had to go back and get kindergarten books because she knew how to count how many bears are in the group or what color is the turtle.

Today we started the first actual challenge for her. Writing her letters! She did so well for her first time!! I’m so proud of her! Here’s her fist page of letters!