Postpartum symptoms

Hey y’all!! I just had my little girl a month ago!

Right after giving birth, my doctor told me I was bleeding a little more than normal but made it seem like it was normal.. he kept saying “redheads always bleed more”.. not sure what that means but he and a few nurses that were in the room all agreed to “redheads normally bleed more”..

Fast forward to about a week after delivery, I started having green discharge with a weird odor in my pad.. that happened for about a week and a half before I called my doctor about it. They prescribed me amoxicillin and told me I had to take it for a week. The green discharge turned yellow and lost its odor but is still a weird.. texture I guess. It’s now yellow and watery/jelly like.. plus, I’m still having period like cramps and discomfort in my pelvic area. My vagina feels.. different. Like, my clitoris feels knotted.. almost like a nerve was messed up. It feels like there is still pressure down there too.. like there was before I gave birth just less.

I had my one month postpartum appt and told them about all of this and they said it was normal.. they checked my vag and said everything looked like it was healing just fine and that the discharge looked normal.

I guess the reason I’m sharing is because I want to see if this is really normal.. if anyone else went through this but found out it wasn’t actually normal..if something was wrong. TIA!!!