What do you guys think

My fwb and I have been hanging for an two months. We both didn’t want a relationship 1. He was Not ready 2. Distance is two hours. 3. He was gonna move down south in less than a year.

Plans have changed n he’s staying for a couple more years (due to a good job offer and Covid would make it hard) and possibly moving closer to me (his dad even had a convo where his dad said we would be less far away once he moved to that town )

Sometimes it seems like there’s a chance we might be something more once we get more into school. He asks what I want for my bday out of no where and that’s in January. (He’s asked 3x now and he’s serious ...)

I’ve met his parents and they liked me

He asks ab my family

I hang and go on adventures/ trips w his friends n him.

He’s asked me to stay patient and keep hanging w him as we start school and our schedules get a bit more crazy. Ik it’s gonna be really fuvking stressful for him cuz of the classes.

He also says he’s a relationship type and doesn’t like fucking around in general. But ig this fwb is an exception idk. Again I’m not gonna push a relationship on him especially if he’s not ready

We both talk to other ppl (me more than him ) but we don’t hang w other ppl. I don’t really feel the need and he says he doesn’t want to.

His friend says he was saying how I check all his boxes (I trust that info ) and another said he seems happier since we have been hanging. This isn’t like the frat boy types where they try n help there friend play a girl. This group is so genuine and so kind hearted.

Ik his last relationship start out fwb. But they ended in December when she cheated on him and Ik he might not be totally over the situation yet but even in the time we have hung out I can see him making progress w that.

Idk what to do. I don’t want to get my hopes up at all and I don’t have any plans to bring my feelings up to him until we get a little ways into school. I’m just gonna see how shit goes in the next month or two. We both aren’t stupid so we will prioritize school/work.

I just need opinions , advice or ur past experiences maybe. Ty !