Taking his pain out on me

Olivia🧚🏼‍♀️ • NYC living 🤍 🗽 22🥂🫶🏽

My fiancé recently lost a close relative. I’m trying to be there for him. Give him space when he needs it but comfort him as well. One day he just told me how grateful he was for me and how much he loves me. I thought he was healing and that was part of the process (when you lose someone, you appreciate the people that are still with you). But now he just talks to me with so much anger. He always has his voice raised at me. He yells at me. Talks down to me. Everything I say just pisses him off.

Today he really hurt my feelings and had me crying at work because he decided to yell at me on ft. I’m trying to be supportive here but I don’t deserve this either. I don’t know what to say or do anymore. I’m not sure how I can help him when he’s just here beating me down for no reason