Tmi traumatic birth!, Couldn't be out done by her brother, born at 34w

I went for a walk and came home with sharp lower pains in my tummy and ran a bath, still didn't help but the subsided at bit so I thought it was Braxton Hicks. They were kind of like menstral cramps but not painful but she hadn't been moving much that day. I rang labour and delivery and they said to come in because I also had my son at 34w two years ago! Well I was having contractions 10&4 consistently and they managed to get them to subside for about an hour then they started up again and I got checked and my cervix had changed so they said because of my previous history and they way she was lying I was high risk for a chord prolapsed. So off for a C-section again!

My blood pressure dropped so much after the spinal 50/40 that I found it hard to breathe and passed out I felt so unwell and honestly thought I was going to go into cardiac arrest. I guess there's no better place for it to happen right? But anyway it happened a couple more time during the surgery with each time them being able to stabilise it I then haemorrhaged and finally she came out with the chord wrapped round her neck twice. As soon as I heard her cry I became so emotional but we are both happy and healthy and I can't wait to take her home although she'll need to stay a while we are so in love with our little girl

India Rose weight 4.5lbs at 34w