Hard update on Amelia


Amelia got a diagnosis for Atleast part of her seizures. They’re doing an update appointment on Wednesday and we’ll get the full update of everything. As of now she told me on the phone Amelia is have myoclonic seizures. She thinks she’s also having other seizures associated with it. Wednesday we’ll discuss different seizure meds. How her life will look. Diet. we will also do genetic testing to see if our next baby that we are expecting in 4 months will likely have it also.. I know they say to stay off the Internet but my brain just won’t shut off and this isn’t helping.

Amelia has become Super clumsy and always falling. Which is unfortunately common generally for people with this seizure. Her seizures are starting to last longer and get bigger which is why her neurologist also thinks there may be a different type associated with the myoclonic seizures. I don’t know how to feel and I keep thinking the worse but hoping for the best. I want my baby to live the most “normal” life possible.💔😭