Ultra sound and heart rate

Hey there, just found out I'm pregnant, I should be about 8 weeks and 2days... When do they typically do your first ultrasound? And what is a healthy normal heart beat rate?
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Thank you ladies! And congratulations!


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I had an u/s at 8w2d and our little miracles hb was 163bpm. We go back on Thursday at 9w2d! Can't wait to see our little one again!


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120bpm-180bpm, sometimes a little higher, is perfect. I got my first ultrasound at 7 weeks. Call your primary Doctor OR if you have a regular OBGYN/Gyno, call and set up an appointment to confirm the pregnancy as soon as you can. I got into the doctor 2 days after I found out and an ultrasound 3 days after I found out.