She came SO quickly

Jen • 35 year old mom of 2 boys (14 and 4 years old). This is our 3rd and last baby and we are finally getting a girl!
She came SO quickly. I had a mild backache around 6:30 am and kissed my husband goodbye at 6:40. By 6:43 I had my first contraction, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th all 7 minutes apart. I got in touch with him at 7:30 to come home (by which time I was on all fours and barely able to walk). We got into the car to drive to the hospital an hour away where my contractions jumped to 3 minutes apart. Just as I said to him, "we are okay as long as my water doesn't break" water broke (with 15 miles left). My superhero husband got us to the hospital at 8:57 and our little 9.5lber was born at 9:13 with no time for meds or IV. At least she knows how to make an entrance!