Genetic Testing: Hemophelia

Hemophelia (lack of clotting factors) runs in my family. It's carried through the mother and sons are the ones who tend to be Hemopheliacs (girls are very uncommon to my knowledge).
One of my three brothers has it, and I know at least one of my cousins does as well. 
My doctor told me I have the option to get genetic testing done to see if I'm a carrier but I have decided not to. I feel that if I am a carrier, it's not like there's a way to prevent a future son of mine to get it. Plus, my brother was able to lead a relatively normal lifestyle (of course being cautious and aware when he gets hurt) so I'm not overly concerned about adapting to it.
I'm curious though, for those of you who are potential carriers, are/would you get tested? And why? Just curious. :)
Of course any sons I have I will have tested to see if he has it or not.