
I suffer with stomatitis outbreaks a couple of times a year. Each time, they get less & less severe. My mom had it as a younger kid & hers eventually went away but for the time being, I still have outbreaks & I don't know what to do to help ease the pain. I rinse with mouthwash twice a day, once when I wake up & once when I go to bed. It seems to take the swelling down, especially if I use alcohol free mouthwash. The numbing washes/ointments the urgent care & my primary doc gave me don't do anything for me. They numb my mouth for about 30 seconds & then they're gone. I've heard l-lysine works wonders but I only have one kidney & I've read that if you have issues with your kidneys, you shouldn't take l-lysine. I really need help with easing the pain/I need something that'll make the breakout clear up just a little bit faster. Can anyone help?! 😩 I'm desperate. 