Work and pregnancy induced hypertension.


So I was put on moderate bed rest due to PIH at only 26 weeks pregnant. My doctor said I had to stop working because my blood pressure was 163/139 and I was having double vision and heart palpitations. I have no PTO and I don’t get any kind of disability from my work. I filed for FMLA to protect my job which is 12 weeks unpaid from the date I had to stop working. The 12 weeks will be up when I’m due to give birth which is in November. That means I would have to go back to work like a week after birth which obviously I’m not going to do. My work won’t extend it because they are busy and need someone working. I’m stressed now that I won’t have a job to go back too and I was making really good money that I won’t make any where else. So I’ll have to search for a new job after I give birth. Anyone else in the same boat? I hate starting over somewhere new. 🙃