Childless Women are still people

I don’t ever mean to come across insulting but man do some moms come off that way when they judge me and my bodily autonomy. I’m 22 and are not going to even try to conceive until I’m 25. I want to naturally have one and adopt another so I get exactly 1 boy and 1 girl, then get my tubes tied so I don’t have to worry about having more than I can handle. Women treat me like some kind of villain because of this. I am not a means to an end. I am not a child factory. I am a person with hopes and dreams. I’m still figuring out who I am and how to make it in this world that doesn’t respect me as a woman let alone a person. I have no right to tell a child how this all works yet, and that’s okay. Knowing I’m not ready yet doesn’t mean I won’t be later. Not being jealous of moms with babies doesn’t make me a freak. Wanting myself to be the best I can be so I don’t ruin another life with my shortcomings seems responsible to me. And I know these things from experience. I’m the oldest of 5 and my youngest sibling is only 8. I raised those four kids and I wanted a break before I started my own family but I did not know other women were going to judge me so harshly. I watched my mom go through 6 pregnancies. I watched my best friend deliver flawlessly. I watched my new extended family have 3 babies. I still know it’s something I don’t want yet. I’m half deaf. My husband works 80 hour weeks. I’m isolated in a state 1,500 miles away from the closest family member. Excuse me for not wanting to go through all that alone. Excuse me for wanting to have a baby when I am good and ready not when society deems it’s what I should be doing. It’s your choice to have children. Maybe stop shoving your lifestyle down people’s throat’s. I don’t need to get pregnant to have a family. I’m not less of a woman for it. I’m not less of a woman for anything I chose to do with my body. And neither are you. If you want 12 bio kids then do you sister. But maybe chill with the telling the internet. Bc the internet doesn’t care.