December baby turned to September

Sorry if its long winded ladies

So I thought I would update you lovely ladies on my December baby.i thought My waters broke at about 11.30pm on 27th of August, so I phoned up my day assignment unit who told me to come down so arrived just after midnight to get cheeked over because well know its better to be safe. Within 5 mins I was seen by a doctor and told my waters had indeed brocken and that I was full effaced and 2 cm dilated with bodging membranes witch I did start to panic because I was only 26weeks and 2 days by this point and had to have 2 tablets to try and stop any labour, 2 steroid injections to help his lungs if he did come and a drip to help his brain . Sadly our hospital dont have the equipment for a baby that early so I was moved to a hospital in Norfolk by ambulance and given more drip, I had to be keeper an eye on, have bloods done 3 times a day be on the monitors twice daily and regular pulse cheeks the plain . Bloods come back a bit higher then they wanted it to so had to have more done then my pulse went up to 115 so for the few days i was in there till they decided It was safer for baby and me if baby was delivered due to signs of infection. So on the 1st of September I was put on more drip and prepped for an emergency c section (not gonna lie i was sitting myself because I'd only had natural births ) come 2.30 pm im moved to theater and given the epidural and the other jabs needed and my god ladies it feels strange but my baby was born at 3.20 weighing 970g and breathing on his own so I'm pleased to introduce u lovely ladies to

My little angelus born at 26 weeks and 6day