Drop a nap?


Lydia is turning one in two weeks and she's on a two nap schedule but has a really short morning nap (30-45 min) and her afternoon nap is usually 1.5 hrs but has been only 30-45 min lately.

I'm wondering if she's ready to condense her morning nap into one afternoon nap. My only concern is that because of covid, we are stuck at home and we don't go anywhere... So sometimes I need that morning nap to help us get through the day lol. I feel so bad saying that, but I'm just not sure what to do with her from 7:00 a.m. until 11am/12pm.

She'll get up have a bottle, have breakfast we play and then around 2 and 1/2 hours later she starts getting sleepy so I put her down, but she only sleeps for 30 minutes and then she's awake until 12:30 or 1pm. Her bedtime is 5:30/6:30 depending on what time she got up from her last nap

I'm just not sure if I should try to condense and see how she does or don't mess with the schedule because maybe it's just a phase? I started noticing these weird naps and her waking up earlier in the morning 2 weeks ago

but I've kept everything the same because I thought she was just teething. (2 teeth are coming in but it's taking a long time!)!