Amelias Neurology update


Today Amelia had her neurologist appointment and as her neurologist put it, there are two different types of seizure categories. Focal and Generalized. Focal seizures affect parts of the brain where as generalized seizures affect the whole brain. Unfortunately for Amelia hers are generalized seizures. She is starting a new med on top of the ones she has now and if those don’t work the last medication she can try would be one that causes development delays. So hopefully this one works. She said Amelia does lose memory with these seizures, and she will probably be starting back on physical therapy to help regain some balance. She will be put on a diet due to some foods like sugary foods cause more seizure activity. Her genetic testing will take 2-3 weeks to come back. She still does not think she will grow out of them. We’re just hopeful these meds will work and she will regain some balance and she’ll live as much of a normal life as possible. 💜💜

She got to enjoy her birthday with most of her cousins and got some yummy cookies and cupcakes. She had a good day. 🥰