Psycho ex boyfriend experience !!!!

Okay here's a confession yall, pretty entertaining. 
I think someone can write a book about my life haha 
Anyways, when I was 16 years old a had my first real relationship ! 
I was liking him but to be honest I didn't love him.. I didn't know what that was. 
Now he had a messed up childhood, and so did i. I might have tried to hard to get inside of his head to try to figure it out. 
Well he grow veryyyyyy needy of me and I've never been like that.. He'd tried to be all up on me and I'd tell him stop, I don't like that. 
He'd go crazy !!! The first time I'd ever made him mad he thru himself to the floor and started screaming and kicking like a 2 year old !! I was like wtf is this ? Whats going on ???? 
I broke up with him for that cause I thought he had real problems and he creid and cried and said he'd never do that again that he didn't know what happen to him. I took him started to become a routine and he'd have a shorter fuse !! He'd tell me if I broke up with him he would kill himself !! 
Finally I was so tired that I told him I don't care !! " kill yourself if you really have the balls" I even handed him the rope he'd always pick up and thru it at his face. 
Of course he was bluffing !! 
He started to hide behind the bushes and waited for me to come home and than try to talk to me, running after me ! Also he would be outside my house for hours screaming my name ! Letting the whole neighborhood hear !! And he even tried to break up a new relationship by telling my bf at the time that he was going to kill him...... 
He doesn't bother me anymore; maybe because I've changed everything like my number; address; social media.