Can’t trust husband’s word


It’s been a pattern for almost 3 years husband promises me or says something or we agree about a course of action and he does something else. First he promised to stop smoking and no even though we have a new baby and it affects him. He said we would get me a new car for the baby and instead he gets a new truck and I’m left with my same small car and a larger baby. I also do all the shopping for us so think groceries baby and stroller 😩. Then he said he would still use his old truck for work but nope not happening. Now he said he wouldn’t let his friend and coworker drive his truck bc insurance and nope still letting him drive it. Then he tells me what do I want from him? That he doesn’t have the luxury of telling his friend not to drive the truck! So I got up and walked away from him. Before I would scream, but I’m just over it. Why can’t he see his actions affect all of us?