Weaning help!


My babe turns 1 on September 20th (slow down time 😩) and I’m starting to wean her. I’m a ftm so I’m just looking for any and all advice, tips, tricks and any good resources!

She’s been ebf, never took a bottle, is nursed to sleep, and throughout the night if she wakes.

She eats (solids) really well, and drinks water from a sippy cup and we have no issues with her weight, growth or development.

I’ve managed to drop her random (mostly comfort) nursing sessions during the day and am just nursing when she wakes for the day, before she sleeps (2 naps and bedtime) and throughout the night if she wakes.

I’m just wondering what my next step should be? Do I drop her first nap feed, then the second then bed? Do I replace her nursing with a sippy of milk or water? Any advice for when she wants to comfort nurse while teething? She LOVES the boob!

I am returning to work in January and would like her to be completely weaned by then

Thanks ladies! And happy birthday month to all your September babies!