Ectopic..TTC.. breakup.. now two pink lines


Hi there! So nine months ago I had an ectopic pregnancy, my baby was stuck in my tube and I had to get methotrexate shots until my HCG levels were at 0... my baby gone. We’ve been trying to conceive for the last nine months. Every week we were buying tests. But here the last few weeks thinking about me giving birth to the baby, and what she would have been like.. it’s caused me to lose focus I guess, so he left, and is refusing to come back. My period isn’t late yet, but something seemed odd so I took about 8 tests lol... and the line just kept getting darker and darker. I’m so happy because after having an ectopic, I didn’t think I’d have the opportunity again, I feel like itsthe first baby coming back home in a way... but now our home is broken. Mixed emotions, sorry . Just needed to rant 😫