Boy for sure ? Could this be inaccurate ? Worried because my 20 week scan they were not able to get a good luck. Ultimately ruled boy but I'm nervous!

Jasmine • Married to the love of my life this past January! Now praising God for the little one growing inside of me!
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Posted at
Looks like a penis to me!! 


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Definitely looks like a 💙💙 boy 💙💙Congrats!


Posted at
That is a BOY💙


Posted at
Definitely boy!


Posted at
That is definitely a penis! My little girl, at first we couldn't see much but the tech was pretty sure that it was a girl. I had an ultrasound yesterday and you could clearly see the lips and no penis. 😊


Posted at
Thanks ladies- hubby and I would be happy no matter what- it's just we started setting up the nursery, named him, and I've been talking to my baby as a little boy so my heart is set on him :)